埼玉大学 大学院理工学研究科 情報工学科 ものづくり・インタラクション・知覚・研究室
For Prospective Students / 研究室配属希望者へ
Fabrication, Interaction & Perception Laboratory was established in April 2023. We conduct research to explore a new method, systems that solving personalization issues through the fabrication integrated with human perception. Our laboratory also collaborating with industrial to solve a practical issues.
We develop a novel fabrication technique to serve personal requirements & needs
We develop new interaction techniques that solve the daily life issues
We integrate sensory perception to explore anew perceptive systems and sensory augmentation
Recent Publication
第86回情報処理学会全国大会. 嗅覚ドローンと知覚される匂いに関する研究 ACM UIST 2022. interiqr: Unobtrusive Edible Tags using Food 3D Printing CGF 2022 (Sep). NSTO: Neural Synthesizing Topology Optimization for Modulated Structure Generation